Photo by Minnie Zhou on Unsplash

This startup is helping babies sleep better.

Bret Waters


New parents know that they’ll be up in the middle of the night, feeding and comforting their new little one. But according to the American Association of Family Physicians, up to 25% of babies will end up with some sort of actual sleep disorder, with symptoms such as night terrors, behavioral insomnia, etc.

Many parents address this by having the child sleep with them (co-sleeping) but pediatricians are hesitant to suggest this, because it carries a number of risks, including SIDS.

Now an entrepreneur in Oregon (a mother herself) is developing new technology to address this. Her startup, CoZ Sleep, is developing a device that picks up the biorhythmic signals from the parents in one room, and transmits them in real-time to a haptic device in the child’s bed. The net result is a better sleeping baby, comforted by the sound and feel of her own parents, but in the safety of her own room.

We’re in the middle of an extraordinary age of innovation in medical device technology. By merging digital and biological technologies, people all over the world are living longer, healthier lives. CoZ Sleep is an example of this, with their new approach to helping babies (and their parents) get the healthy sleep they need.



Bret Waters

Silicon Valley guy. Teaches at Stanford. Eats fish tacos.